Wow, it’s been awhile since I last write. Uhh.. I went on vacation for a week, got a new job, and things have been better – if rather busy.
Anyway, this post isn’t about that. What this post is about is that I sometimes forget that there are terrible people out there. Case in point: the other weekend, we went to a meetup a few blocks from where I live. Some decent people there, but there was this one girl who was just… a train wreck. Aside from being very open about her love for psychedelic drugs, she was also your standard stereotypical fangirl. “I’m really into Invader Zim! I love GIR, squee!” Urgh. Thanks for playing.
I guess going to work and being surrounded by intelligent human beings acts as sort of a barrier from the actual weirdos out there.
Anyway. Hopefully I’ll post more!
Happy new year, everyone. And man, this year is already off to a good start!
Yes, it seems that Bill O’Reilly is trying to improve ratings on his show by appealing to a certain segment of today’s hip youth: ICP fans. Keen to play off of their lack of knowledge on how magnets work – and more importantly, their mistrust of scientists – BillO tried to prove God exists through logic:
I’ll tell you why [religion’s] not a scam. In my opinion, all right? Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can’t explain that. You can explain why the tide goes in… #
Surely science cannot explain the tides! Except for that whole moon thing. But you can’t trust the scientists.

Wait, really? My kids can’t eat out of this? Lame..
And the winner of today’s Dumb Fuck Award goes to Kazuhiro Hatakeyama:
Kazuhiro Hatakeyama, 22, entered Kesennuma Police Station at about 12:40 p.m. Monday, the police said.
Carrying a kitchen knife with a 16-centimeter blade, the unemployed man threatened a 37-year-old female worker at the reception counter of a traffic safety association on the first floor, saying, “Give me some money, or I’ll kill you.” But the man was quickly apprehended as several police officers were nearby.
When I think of places to rob, police stations are definitely first on my list.