Bill O and the tides
Happy new year, everyone. And man, this year is already off to a good start!
Yes, it seems that Bill O’Reilly is trying to improve ratings on his show by appealing to a certain segment of today’s hip youth: ICP fans. Keen to play off of their lack of knowledge on how magnets work – and more importantly, their mistrust of scientists – BillO tried to prove God exists through logic:
I’ll tell you why [religion’s] not a scam. In my opinion, all right? Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can’t explain that. You can explain why the tide goes in… #
Surely science cannot explain the tides! Except for that whole moon thing. But you can’t trust the scientists.
1 comment
Did you see his YouTube response to all the “pinheads” who keep asking about it?
“How’d it get there? Who put it there?” I would think a 12 year old could tell that nobody fucking PUT the moon there.