Stop trying so hard, Gregory Brothers
I think when we look back on the state of the Internet ten years from now, we’ll remember the summer of 2010 for two reasons: the Bed Intruder and Double Rainbow songs/videos. As of this post, the videos have 38 million and 15 million views respectively, an absolutely staggering number. Now, both of the songs were put together by the Gregory Brothers, a group from Brooklyn who, as we all know, are rather good at using autotune.
But here’s the problem: riding on their previous successes, the group is now trying far too hard. In the past few weeks, they’ve put out at least three songs: one using Christine O’Donnell’s “I’m Not a Witch” ad; one using clips from the Restoring Sanity rally; and one with snippets of Jimmy McMillan from the debate for the governor of New York. There’s actually another video that they made that uses clips from a video about some bros freaking out in Brooklyn during a tornado, but it’s that bad that I won’t link to it here.
Maybe it’s just me, but the songs really aren’t funny. I don’t know if they’re just too topical, or if they’re rushing to get these songs out while the original videos are still popular or what, but it’s plainly obvious that all they’re really trying to do is get more views. And their way of doing that is essentially to just keep making videos and praying that one or more gets big. I guess to that end you’re bound to create a bunch of crap along the way, but I think it comes off as a rather desperate attempt to get noticed.
Anyway, I would hope that they stop trying to force it so hard, and maybe think about what they’re producing before uploading their videos. A little quality control would go a long way, I think.
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