How Hans Zimmer scored Inception
We saw Inception today, and it was totally effing awesome. Christopher Nolan has to be one of the best living directors. And Hans Zimmer did a really great job scoring the film. It was dynamic and interesting without being too distracting, but most of all, it really heightened the tension in the movie and brought it all together. On top of all that, he actually wrote the score himself (rather than passing it off to John Powell or someone!)
But I was thinking about what his process was when he wrote the score, and this is what I came up with.
- Listened to the score he and James Newton Howard wrote for The Dark Knight
- Played a few hours of Metal Gear Solid 2 and listened to what Harry Gregson-Williams wrote for that
- Drank a few pints
- Found a guitarist, a trumpet and a bass drum, and sequenced it so they just played one after another ad infinitum
To be honest, I really do like Hans Zimmer, and the score was great. But, well, there you go.
Sunday, July 25th, 2010 10:51 pm - music
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